How to accessorize a trend without going broke

Dear Trendy,

What is the best way to accessorize for a trend if I don’t want to go “all in”?


Accessory Enthusiast

Dear Accessory Enthusiast,

As someone who loves to accessorize, it can be overwhelming to keep up with all the latest trends. Instead of spending a fortune on a single trend, we suggest trying out a few different options to see what works best for you. Investing in versatile accessories that can be used for various looks can also be a great idea. Don't worry about trends coming and going, as many accessories can be worn across different styles. This way, you won't have to worry about wasting money or feeling stuck in a certain look.

It is important to balance the number of accessories you buy, just as you would balance how many you wear. Having too many accessories with an outfit can be overwhelming and may not look good. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, as demonstrated by Tiffany & Co. adorned Blake Lively at the 2024 Super Bowl.

When selecting accessories, make sure to choose ones that make you feel confident and comfortable, as well as those you can afford. If you wear something that makes you feel uncomfortable, it will show. Be sure to stay within your budget. Remember, trends come and go so choose something you love, that you can afford, and that you can wear confidently across trends. If the items don’t meet those criteria, they are probably not the right accessory for you.

Mix and match various elements to create a distinctive style that mirrors your personality. Remember, you don't have to follow any trend entirely. In fact, the more expensive the accessory, the more timeless and trendproof you may want it to be. Most trends are just a source of inspiration that should help you develop your own unique and personal aesthetic.

As we say: “You wear you.”



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